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Letter from Susan B. Anthony to Mary Lewis Gannett, June 17, 1904


Revision as of Sep 20, 2022, 11:55:14 PM
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Revision as of Sep 28, 2023, 1:40:40 PM
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[?] [S. M.?] - Well the Congress is ended, - We <br />
Sunday A.M. - Well the Congress is ended, - We <br />
had a tremendous supper ^last night,^  - given us by the Municipal <br />
had a tremendous supper ^last night,^  - given us by the Municipal <br />
government.  The Burgomaster presided - all of the [Common?] <br />
government.  The Burgomaster presided - all of the Common <br />
Council were present - the feast was in the great ^City^ hall <br />
Council were present - the feast was in the great ^City^ hall <br />
- there were tables offered in all the [corridors?] & rooms <br />
there were tables offered in all the corridors & rooms <br />
leading to it  -  There were [fully?] 2,000 present. [u] The <br />
leading to it  -  There were [fully?] 2,000 present. <u> The <br />
[eating?] over here is great a whole half [sheep?] <br />
[eating?] over here is great a whole half [sheep?] <br />
put on a platter [/u] -  Lobster  -  Fish  -  Roast beef, chicken <br />
put on a platter </u> -  Lobster  -  Fish  -  Roast beef, chicken <br />
everything  -  [?] it was something to remember  -  though <br />
everything  -  well it was something to remember  -  though <br />
I came away [u]hungry[/u], [u]thirsty[/u] -  for a [u]drink[/u] of [u]just <br />
I came away <u>hungry</u>, <u>thirsty</u> -  for a <u>drink</u> of <u> just <br />
plain cold water[/u]!  The last session of <br />
plain cold water</u>!  The last session of <br />
the Congress was splendid  -  The big hall was full & an <br />
the Congress was splendid  -  The big hall was full & an <br />
overflow meeting was held  -  I did not go  -  I had <br />
overflow meeting was held  -  I did not go  -  I had <br />
sat through a five hour session  -  [from?] 9 until after 2, <br />
sat through a five hour session  -  from 9 until after 2, <br />
-  and this last one was at 4  -  and I must go to the <br />
-  and this last one was at 4  -  and I must go to the <br />
[?]  -  Today Miss [Hass?]  is to present in [?] [?] <br />
reception -  Today Miss [Hass?]  is to present in the [Auditorium?] <br />
[Church?]   -  We have seen everybody but [the?] Emperor [Wilhelm?] <br />
[?] -  We have seen everybody but Sir Emperor [Wilhelm?] <br />
-  He ought to give us [audience?]  -  [Back at home?] [?] <br />
-  He ought to give us [audience?]  -  Back at home  [?] <br />
& [thought?] and felt so thankful that the whole <br />
I thought  and felt so thankful that the whole <br />
$50,000 was found  -  There was another [scholarship?] for [Loren?] <br />
$80,000 was found  -  There was another scholarship for [Loren] <br />
[worthy?] , poor girl  -  I am so glad that this [university?] is <br />
worthy, poor girl  -  I am so glad that this university is <br />
open to the daughters of the poor  -  We must get a a lot more <br />
open to the daughters of the poor  -  We must get a a lot more <br />
scholarships  - [?] [?] spoke strongly for co-education <br />
scholarships  - Cary [Norman?] spoke strongly for co-education <br />
-  her address was strong and good  -  I am so glad that <br />
-  her address was strong and good  -  I am so glad that <br />
Charlotte will go to Bryn Mawr  -  [?]  is [splendid?] -  <br />
Charlotte will go to Bryn Mawr  -  Cary is splendid  -  <br />
If I sent to any [u]girls[/u] college it [would?]  be this  - <br />
If I sent to any [u]girls[/u] college it [would?]  be this  - <br />
Affecti[ionately?], <br />
Affecti[onately?], <br />
Susan B. [Anthony?] <br />
Susan B. [Anthony] <br />

Revision as of Sep 28, 2023, 1:40:40 PM

Sunday A.M. - Well the Congress is ended, - We
had a tremendous supper ^last night,^ - given us by the Municipal
government. The Burgomaster presided - all of the Common
Council were present - the feast was in the great ^City^ hall
– there were tables offered in all the corridors & rooms
leading to it - There were [fully?] 2,000 present. The
[eating?] over here is great a whole half [sheep?]
put on a platter
- Lobster - Fish - Roast beef, chicken
everything - well it was something to remember - though
I came away hungry, thirsty - for a drink of just
plain cold water
! The last session of
the Congress was splendid - The big hall was full & an
overflow meeting was held - I did not go - I had
sat through a five hour session - from 9 until after 2,
- and this last one was at 4 - and I must go to the
reception - Today Miss [Hass?] is to present in the [Auditorium?]
[?] - We have seen everybody but Sir Emperor [Wilhelm?]
- He ought to give us [audience?] - Back at home [?]
I thought and felt so thankful that the whole
$80,000 was found - There was another scholarship for [Loren]
worthy, poor girl - I am so glad that this university is
open to the daughters of the poor - We must get a a lot more
scholarships - Cary [Norman?] spoke strongly for co-education
- her address was strong and good - I am so glad that
Charlotte will go to Bryn Mawr - Cary is splendid -
If I sent to any [u]girls[/u] college it [would?] be this -
Susan B. [Anthony]