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Jerimyes Prognostication of Jerusalems Overthrow


Revision as of Aug 16, 2022, 7:06:13 PM
edited by Wiki admin
Revision as of Aug 16, 2022, 7:07:31 PM
edited by Wiki admin
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shee hath no comforter, her neighbours are turnd <br />
shee hath no comforter, her neighbours are turnd <br />
against her, and are becom[ing] her Enimyes. <br />
against her, and are becom[ing] her Enimyes. <br />
:: Ghimel no reward all is taken <br />
<nowiki>      Ghimel no reward all is taken <br />
:: from her, shee is waigned. <br />
      from her, shee is waigned. <br /></nowiki>
Judah hath left her hous for affliction and <br />
Judah hath left her hous for affliction and <br />
to much slavery. Shee dwelleth among the <br />
to much slavery. Shee dwelleth among the <br />

Revision as of Aug 16, 2022, 7:07:31 PM

(Page 2)

Shee never resteth weeping by night, and the
teares are on her cheeks, of all her loving freends
shee hath no comforter, her neighbours are turnd
against her, and are becom[ing] her Enimyes.
Ghimel no reward all is taken <br /> from her, shee is waigned. <br /> Judah hath left her hous for affliction and
to much slavery. Shee dwelleth among the
Hethen and findeth no rest among them
All that pursue her, overtake her, and laye
hold on her, in narrow places.

Daleth No Entrance all waste.

The wayes of Sion sorrow, that ther is no
going to the Synagogue, and that all her
gates are desolate. Her Priests sighe, and
her virgines are sad, and that his greevous
to her.

He, no beholding, nor hold-
ing up the head for her.

Her Beseegers are the cheeff and her Enimyes
prosper, for the Everlasting hath made her sad,
for her mighty transgressions; her children are
gon into captivity before the Beseeger.

(Page 3)

Vav no [illegible], no fastning to-
gether, no company, but all alone.

And from the town of Sion all her gayeness
is gone, all her Princes are like deer that
can finde no feeding and wax feeble before
the hunter.

Zain, no hearing, no Audience
nor helpers, are they never so sore
they their seventh day is derided.

Jerusalem calleth to minde the dayes of her
misery and banishments, and all her pleasant
things which wer of ancient time; when her people
fell by the hand of the Beseeger, and had no help
-ers & the Beseeger ^looked^ saw ^upon^ her and laughed at her

Cheth, no strewing, the futilitynes of
her sinn is discovered, and her freends
count her ^vile^ and fall away at her overthrow
like a [illegible] brak Job: 6. shee is sad &
ashamed of her nakedness.

Jerusalem hath sinned a[n] sinn, therefor she is rejected
All that honored her, debase her because they have
seen her nakedness, and shee also sigheth and
turneth backward.