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Mott, Elizabeth. Letter to Amy Kirby Post.

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Pg. 4 Sister Sarah I have reviewed thy beautiful little basket and contense with sincere pleasure. The value of which is greatly increased as comeing from one I so dearly love. I wish I had something to send thee in return as an acknowledgement of thy remembrance. I have been thinking now that ___ was not housekeeping I was as much as leasure to make you a visit as I can at any time expect, which would be unspea kably pleasant, but think it would be diminished so greatly by James not being with me had rather defer it untill he is at liberty to enjoy it with me I came to ___ Grove last sixth day calculate to return in a few days from thy affectionate

                                                                         sister Elizabeth Mott

          sideways- ET Will___                        sideways- Amy Post
           ___ Attention                                                Rochester

___ E. Mott is sending thee a good ____ of bandige that she like much its place so nicely The long part is behind and pins up befor PS I have sent sister Amy a little trifle wish They wer nicer, will surve perhaps as a token of love my love to her and brother Isaac and the children E Mott Tell Mary I hope she will Cavour me with a letter The ___ of my basket I have not ___ ___ ___ it untill I go home as I have been engaged in something else