Cameo of Susan B. Anthony, 1883.
The cameo was cut by Pio Siotto of Rome, set in gold by the London jeweler George Blogg & Co., and inscribed on verso to Mary S. Anthony.
Siotto worked from a photograph of Susan B. Anthony taken in March 1883 by G. Borelli in Rome, and from life, at sittings in his studio.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1848.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1856.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1874.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1877.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony and Rachel Foster Avery, ca. 1880.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, 1892.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1896.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1874.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1877.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony and Emma Biddlecom Sweet, 1896.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1899.

Photograph of Susan B. Anthony with Jean Brooks Greenleaf, ca 1900.

This 1901 painting by Sarah James Eddy is thought to be a study for a larger portrait which is in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1905.

Portrait of Susan B. Anthony, 1905.
Susan B. Anthony on Souvenir Spoons

Susan B. Anthony souvenir spoon.

Susan B. Anthony's authorization for the production of the souvenir spoon, 1891.

Advertisement for the Anthony souvenir spoon, 1898.

Susan B. Anthony souvenir spoon, slotted.
Susan B. Anthony on Postcards

Colorized postcard of Susan B. Anthony.

Postcard, "Failure is impossible," Susan B. Anthony.

Postcard of Susan B. Anthony without text.

Postcard, birth place of Miss Susan B. Anthony.

Postcard, Miss Susan B. Anthony at her desk.

Postcard, Miss Susan B. Anthony at 36 years.

Postcard, Madison St. home of Miss Susan B. Anthony.
Susan B. Anthony on Coins

Bronze Susan B. Anthony medallion.

Susan B. Anthony dollar coin, 1979.